What is Dare2Share LIVE?

Led by Dare2Share Ministries and hosted by local student ministries, Dare2Share LIVE is a worldwide event hosted in communities around the world for the purpose of mobilizing a generation of students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The purpose of Dare2Share LIVE is to inspire, train, equip, and unleash students to reach their friends & community with the Gospel!

Dare2Share LIVE began in 2017 and is now reaching 1,000's of churches and communities in the U.S. and around the world. Utilizing technology, videos, dynamic teaching, dramas, mobile apps, and a tangible local outreach experience, Dare2Share LIVE is equipping students to help “every teen everywhere hear the Gospel from a friend”.

Black paint strokes

The last and lasting mandate of Jesus was to

"go and make disciples."

It’s the mission Jesus is still inviting us on today. This year at Dare2Share LIVE, students will hear that call clearly, understanding their unique role in reaching their friends with the life-saving message of hope.

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

-JESUS, MATTHEW 28:18-20

Dare2Share LIVE Schedule:

10:00am - LIVE Pre-party begins, snack bar open

11:00am - Session 1 (live worship, teaching, training)

12:30pm - Lunch (click here for optional meal choices)

1:00pm - Session 2 (live worship, teaching, training)

2:15pm - Community Outreach (groups dismissed into community)

4:30pm - Session 3 (live worship, teaching, prayer & testimonies)

6:30pm - LIVE ends, but the impact continues

2023 D2S LIVE Speakers:

Greg Stier

Jerrod Gunter

Zane Black

Gustavo gonzalez

"Dare2Share LIVE is a fantastic evangelism training event. This event has equipped and inspired students in my ministry to share the Gospel with their friends and invite them to do a Bible study together. The GOSPEL acronym gives my students common language to know and own the truth of the Gospel.

“Attending LIVE at Faith Bible Church is an easy win for your youth ministry. The local worship team is great. The joining together IN-PERSON with their peers to learn about evangelism, to practice evangelism, and to share stories is very impactful."

Steve P, youth leader

local impact & highlights:

I've been involved with Dare2Share LIVE for several years. Observing students engage others in gospel conversations is encouraging and challenges me in my own life to do the same. Our students need the prayers of my generation to be lights for Jesus to their peers.”

Mary T, adult volunteer

Dare2Share LIVE has been a catalyst for Gospel advancing teenagers in our church and our community and through it we've seen God bring many lost teenagers to Himself.”

Tyler H, youth leader

“Dare2Share LIVE is a God focused experience that has helped me grow in exciting ways!”

Sam C, student

Red-Orange Gradient

Lunch Options

(a cash-only snack bar will also be avaialble to purchase snacks & drinks throughout the day)

Chick-Fil-A Boxed Sandwich Meal:

1 original sandwich, waffle chips, chocolate chunk cookie, bottle of water


Hot Dog Meal:

1 all-beef, 1/4 lb hot dog, bag of chips, Rice Krispie treat, bottle of water


Red Apple

GF Hot Dog Meal:

1 all-beef, 1/4 lb hot dog (no bun), bag of chips, Jello cup, apple, bottle of water


Select Lunch & T-Shirt options when you register

D2S 2023 Shirts

This year's shirt design is here and was designed just for our site!

Last day to reserve shirts & hoodies is Wednesday, October 25.

All shirt purchases are non-refundable!

(Limited sizes and quantities will be available for purchase on the day of Dare2Share LIVE)

Shirts will be available for pick up at Dare2Share LIVE (Nov 11).

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down


Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down

Faith Bible Church

MS & HS Student Registration

Click below to get yourself registered for Dare2Share LIVE!

Although the event is free to attend, you must pre-register so we know you are coming! You can also select your lunch & t-shirt options on this registration form.

Please note the deadline for t-shirt orders is:

Wednesday, October 25!

Spread the word and have a friend join us!

interested in volunteering?

Faith Bible Church,

We need your help!

Thank you for being willing to partner with us for this incredible day and event here at FBC! As we prepare to welcome approx. 300+ students and leaders from all around Eastern Iowa and other locations around the Midwest, your involvement and support of this event is providing the opportunity for other local students and their groups to be trained, equipped, and unleashed with the Gospel in their area. Your involvement helps strengthen the Gospel advancing movement here in Eastern Iowa!

To volunteer, please click below:

Step 2.


Visiting Group Registration

Hey! We are so excited you are interested in bringing your group to experience Dare2Share LIVE together! We are eager to see your students, adult leaders, and community impacted with the Gospel and see this event as one way to help you with that.

Click below to register your group with Dare2Share and with us (please no individual student registrations). There is no cost to register and attend, but please let us know how many you plan to bring, including any optional lunch & t-shirt options your group will have. Payment can be made immediately with a credit card or later with a check.

Your group will also be responsible for having an outreach plan for the 2 hour afternoon experience. Come prepared with a plan, preview some available local options below, or get inspired with some outreach ideas from Dare2Share!

Know that we are praying for you, your group, your community, and for the Gospel impact this event can have. Please let us know how we can best serve you or if you have any questions!

Questions? Contact Eric Groezinger: 319-393-7790 or fill out the contact info below.

Additional Resources

The Life in 6 Words App will be used heavily throughout the event as a way to help train and equip students with tools to engage in Gospel conversations.

Download the app and come ready to engage and connect with others in it before, during, and after LIVE!

Get ready to worship with us at Dare2Share LIVE this year by listening to the songs we’ll be singing together! Follow this playlist and get ready to worship! (Playlist updated as new songs are added to our set lists!)


Contact Us!

Eric Groezinger

Pastor of Student Ministries

Faith Bible Church

1800 46th St NE, Cedar Rapids IA
